
Gearing towards excellence, Noveleta Senior High School is proud of its humble beginnings. Noveleta Senior High School was first established in 2016 in San Rafael II, Noveleta, Cavite. A portion of land area was donated by Noveleta Elementary School under Mrs. Marietta P. Eseque, Principal III. In the same year, NSHS, under Mrs. Belinda C. Loyola, Principal II, was granted authorization to offer two (2) tracks: Academic Track and Technical-Vocational Livelihood with two (2) strands: General Academic and Information and Communication Technology and two (2) specializations: Tourism Promotion Services and Hair Dressing .
With strong determination and guidance, the school has continued to grow under the leadership of the new principal, Mr. Ernesto Mojica. In 2017 there was additional one (1) more specialization, Computer Systems Servicing (CSS), the school has increased its enrollment from 56 on its first year of operation to 115. In the following year, the four (4 ) faculty members who pioneered Noveleta Senior High School has also increased to six (6) handling different disciplines. Likewise, the enrollment increased to 185.
In 2018, another significant event happened to NSHS. With the new leadership of Mr. Edwin V. Lucero, Assistant Principal II, another two (2) strands were included in the curricular offerings; such as, Accountancy, Business, and Management (ABM) and Humanities and Social Sciences (HMSS) under General Academic Track. In the same year, the school has produced 20 passers of TVL-ICT students in the National Certificate assessment by TESDA.
In 2019, another significant event happened, the school’s location was moved to San Rafael III, Noveleta, Cavite. The school has enough rooms to hold classes. However, one of the biggest challenges the school is facing is the lack of security guard and utility personnel to secure the safety and maintain the cleanliness of the school. In addition, lack of drainage around the school premise is causing so much inconveniences to every one in the school during rainy season.
In school year 2019-2020, the enrollees increased to 216 in its new location in San Rafael III, Noveleta, Cavite.
School year 2020-2021 marked the advent of the new normal education. It has brought huge devastating effects on normal life. However, surging against the tides of this pandemic era, NSHS has remained indomitable and decisive to provide quality education to our learners. Despite the pandemic, the enrollment still increased to 222, with an increase also in the number of the teaching force from six (6) faculty members to seven (7). One big achievement in this school year is the provision of the DepED CALABARZON Regional Office of establishment for Noveleta Senior High School to officially operate as stand-alone senior high school in the province of Cavite.
At the present school year, NSHS enrollment has reached to 155. However, this is still partial and unofficial since our online link still accepts enrollees.
In light of the challenges facing us as stand-alone senior high school alongside our sixth phase of operation, we aim to achieve substantial progress in the delivery of instruction as well as facilities. We believe that our commitment to education as life-long pursuit encompasses not only the formal schooling but also holistic development of our students.
Moving forward, NSHS guided by its pillars that include academic excellence, service and leadership, we ensure that all students at every grade level will have opportunities to flourish and grow.